block driver中文什么意思

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  1. Ext2fs does not have particularly brilliant sector management , making the designing of a block driver extremely difficult
  2. Purpose of research and mainly fruit this paper , investigation of overall styling and body structure for improving driver ' s visual field , is about how to extend driver " s visual field and enhance his vision level proceeding with body structure , making the driver be able to detect and identify the latent dangers in time and avoid leading to a high manufacturing cost at the same time . through carrying out creative styling and body structure to downright resolve the matter of blocked driver ' s visual field , basically enhancing vehicle ' s active security and reducing accidents by the roots
    首先分析了国内外汽车工业的发展形势并对国外同类汽车进行了研究和对比,论述了本研究课题在自主研发和提高汽车主动安全性方面的重要意义。然后结合自身在此领域的研究确定了初步设计方案。通过实车试验确定了方案的可行性后,便基于skoda - superb轿车进行了方案设计,并从外形设计、内部结构和安全性方面进行了详细的阐述。


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